17 Augustus 2024.

Een tijdje geleden plaatsten we onderstaand bericht voor onze vriend Lamin. Er is destijds door een aantal mensen (waaronder wij zelf) gedoneerd en vandaag ontvingen we deze foto’s. Ik vind het een prachtig project, veel succes Lamin ????


‘My foundation FACF foundation use to do yearly tree planting in the villages. Today we went to four villages and donated seedlings of plants and also joined them for the planting exercise.

I leave the capital or city to the village this morning. I went with 600 seedlings and all were planted today. I divided in to five villages.

Thank you all for your donations.

We are still facing challenges with transportation and founding this project. If anyone will like to support us in our upcoming projects please you are welcome’.

You can contact me:

WhatsApp +220 3397157 or

E-mail: laminjammeh2000@hotmail.com

‘My name is Lamin F. Jammeh. I come from Kiang, the rural community of the Gambia, and I am currently working with an NGO called AfricaStartup (MyFarm). My position in the organization is educational coordinator. I set up my own charitable foundation six years ago.

As we leave this world, it’s our responsibility to take care of every living thing and make our environment great. The goal of this environmental service project is to encourage youths and their communities to prepare for the significant roles they will play in creating an equitable future for all as we face the complex climate change challenges of the present and future.

Which makes our foundation stand for tree planting events every summer in rural communities in the Gambia. This tree planting has been happening on a yearly basis for more than five years now.

We are looking for anyone who can donate to us because we have lots communities that are in need of trees. So we try to make early plans for this planting-year event. I already have a few communities on my list, but I am expecting more to come. My target is to distribute 1000 plants to different local communities in the rural Gambia’.

Inzamelingsactie van Lucas van Stiphout : Tree Planting Rural Gambia (gofundme.com)